Friday, 8 May 2015

How to Stop Drinking and Start Recovery

Overcoming an addiction to alcohol can be a long and bumpy road. At times, it may even feel impossible. But it’s not. If you’re ready to stop drinking and willing to get the support you need, you can recover from alcoholism and alcohol abuse—no matter how bad the addiction or how powerless you feel. You don’t have to wait until you hit rock bottom; you can make a change at any time. Read to get started on the road to recovery today.

Alcohol treatment and recovery 1: Commit to stop drinking

Most people with alcohol problems do not decide to make a big change out of the blue or transform their drinking habits overnight. Recovery is usually a more gradual process. In the early stages of change, denial is a huge obstacle. Even after admitting you have a drinking problem, you may make excuses and drag your feet. It’s important to acknowledge your ambivalence about stopping drinking. If you’re not sure if you’re ready to change or you’re struggling with the decision, it can help to think about the costs and benefits of each choice.

Evaluating the costs and benefits of drinking

Make a table like the one below, weighing the costs and benefits of drinking to the costs and benefits of quitting.
Is Drinking Worth The Cost?
Benefits of drinking:
Benefits of not drinking:
  • It helps me forget about my problems.
  • I have fun when I drink.
  • It’s my way of relaxing and unwinding after a stressful day.
  • My relationships would probably improve.
  • I’d feel better mentally and physically.
  • I’d have more time and energy for the people and activities I care about.
Costs of drinking:
Costs of not drinking:
  • It has caused problems in my relationships.
  • I feel depressed, anxious, and ashamed of myself.
  • It gets in the way of my job performance and family responsibilities.
  • I’d have to find another way to deal with problems.
  • I’d lose my drinking buddies.
  • I would have to face the responsibilities I’ve been ignoring.

Withdrawing from alcohol

When you drink heavily and frequently, your body becomes physically dependent on alcohol and goes through withdrawal if you suddenly stop drinking. The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal range from mild to severe, and include:
  • Headache
  • Shaking
  • Sweating
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Anxiety and restlessness
  • Stomach cramps and diarrhea
  • Trouble sleeping or concentrating
  • Elevated heart rate and blood pressure

Expect setbacks

  • Alcohol recovery is a process—one that often involves setbacks. Don’t give up if you relapse or slip. A drinking relapse doesn’t mean you’re a failure or that you’ll never be able to reach your goal. Each drinking relapse is an opportunity to learn and recommit to sobriety, so you’ll be less likely to relapse in the future.

What to do if you slip:

    • Get rid of the alcohol and get away from the setting where you lapsed
    • Remind yourself that one drink or a brief lapse doesn’t have to turn into a full-blown relapse
    • Don’t let feelings of guilt, blame, or shame keep you from getting back on track
    • Call your sponsor, counselor, or a supportive friend right away for help

Call 911 or go to the emergency room if you experience any of the following withdrawal symptoms:

      • severe vomiting
      • confusion and disorientation
      • fever
      • hallucinations
      • extreme agitation
      • seizures or convulsions

Monday, 4 May 2015

Best Dietary Changes After Joining A Gym:-

Signing the gym membership paperwork is the first step toward getting and staying in shape, but the steps that follow are often more difficult. Consider your diet before setting foot on the treadmill. Your nutrition needs will be a bit different once you’re exercising regularly and, what’s more, eating the proper foods can give you the energy and stamina you need to achieve your goals in the gym.


Don’t write off breakfast when you’re trying to get in shape. Regardless of when you’re planning to visit the gym, eating a balanced and healthful breakfast sets the stage for a beneficial workout. Your blood sugar is low in the morning, which lowers your energy level. Breakfast gives you an energy boost and, according to, skipping this meal actually puts you at risk for obesity. Eat protein, which keeps you full for hours and helps you build strong tissue. Try scrambled eggs, a breakfast sandwich made with lean ham and a slice of cheese or a smoothie made with yogurt and protein powder.

Eating Before the Gym

You shouldn’t eat right before you exercise, since this can make you feel nauseous and weighed-down, but it’s smart to eat a snack around an hour before working out to keep your blood sugar up. Eat carbohydrates, which give you energy but are quick to digest. Fruit, whole wheat toast, a small bowl of pasta or a low-sugar granola bar all will work. If you do plan to hit the gym within an hour or two of breakfast, skip the protein and eat a small meal high in carbohydrates instead.

Eating After the Gym

The food you eat after working out is just as important as what you eat before. Try to eat something within the two hours after you leave the gym to help your tissue recover and to replace nutrients and fluids you sweated out. Carbohydrates are again useful, since they help replenish glycogen, which is sugar that the body stores until it needs it for energy. Rice or potato dishes are examples of post-workout carbohydrate dishes, though, again, you can reach for fruit or whole wheat toast. You’ll need some protein as well. Eat a handful of nuts, a sandwich made with skinless chicken breasts or a piece of grilled fish.


If you didn’t keep a water bottle handy before, you’ll need to start once you join a gym. Exercising and sweating can bring on dehydration, but drinking during your workout isn’t enough. Aim to drink around a cup of water per hour during the two to three hours before you visit the gym and sip from a water bottle every few minutes during your workout. If you’re exercising for more than an hour, recommends switching to a sports drink to keep your electrolyte levels where they need to be. You’ll need fluids after you’re finished, so keep drinking water or switch to fruit juice or tea during the two hours after exercising.

Sunday, 3 May 2015

7 Ways to Boost Your Endurance and Stamina

1. Combine strength days with cardio days.
It’s a simple equation: the more muscle you can get working, the more it will challenge your heart and your cardiovascular system. Instead of building cardio-only workouts (the pitfall that’ll prevent you from building endurance) make sure to weave strength days into your training. “Most people reserve one day for strength and another day for cardio. Try combining the two instead,” says Torres. “Use a bench press, immediately followed by pull-ups, then run a mile as fast as you can… and repeat.” Another good example: Jump rope for a minute, followed by squats, an overhead press, and finally sit ups. Repeat. - 
2. Reduce your amount of rest.
Men typically give themselves between 30 and 90 seconds of recovery time in between sets, but if your goal is greater endurance, be prepared to sacrifice break time. “By the end of your sets, your muscles should be burning—you should be breathing heavily and sweating,” says Torres. “Only take a break if you physically can not continue.” Torres suggests selecting a series of movements like 10 pull-ups, 10 squats, 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups. Do three rounds of the series back to back, taking as minimal a break as possible. - 
3. Do fast-paced, high-intensity lifting.
“When you use weights at an extremely rapid pace, it will not only improve your strength, but also carry over to improve your endurance activity,” says Torres. “It’s one of the best ways to ignite your metabolism. When people do an excessive amount of endurance-only training, they actually slow down their metabolism because it starts to eat away at your muscle tissue.” - 
4. Choose compound movements over isolation.
Compound moves that require using more than one joint—like squats, step-ups, push-ups and pull-ups—will improve your endurance more so than exercises in isolation. “Isolated exercises like bicep curls and leg lifts aren’t going to stimulate you enough to increase your stamina,” he says. - 
5. Remember: Routine is the enemy.
Switching up your workout is essential to building endurance and stamina. According to Torres, the human body gets used to a workout after two weeks. So if you’re always running, start doing Muay Thai instead. Or if you’re an avid cyclist, change it up by running stairs. “You need to move the muscles in a different way so that you don’t develop overuse. Plus, it becomes more motivating,” he says. “It’s important to keep the mind guessing.” - 
6. Go for hybrid exercises.
A squat with an added overhead press (a “thruster”), jumping pull-ups, and lunges with bicep curls are all great hybrids: exercises that take two separate movements and combine them. “The more muscles you can get working in a movement, the more it will stimulate your heart muscles, which in turn improves your stamina.” -
7. Add explosive movements to your workout.
Explosive movements that take a lot of energy challenge your strength, endurance and stamina simultaneously. Once you become more explosive, you’ll notice that you’ll actually start moving faster. Torres says: try adding things like burpees, box jumps, jumping knee tucks and power push-ups to your workout routine. - 

Saturday, 2 May 2015

5 ways to shape your body :-

1) Focus on Building an X-Shaped Physique :- The best way to do this is to do pull ups 2 times in a day .

2) Push Less, Pull More-In keeping with the ideas from above, the goal of training for sexiness should also include balance and symmetry. This is not only so you train the right way, but also because you need to make a concentrated effort to avoid training the wrong way.

As men, we’re highly visual creatures. As trainees, this translates into becoming highly focused on ‘mirror muscles’ – that is, those you can readily see in any mirror.
Guys in general tend to do a lot more work on muscles like chest than back. I cannot begin to describe the drawbacks of this mentality. Instead, I’ll focus on the main ideas of this post.
With specific regard to appearance, lopsided training which focuses on anterior (front) muscles over posterior (rear) muscles leads to pretty ugly imbalances. In addition to this being a great way to get yourself injured, it can lead to a round, forward shouldered look that is not the goal of any training program I’ve ever heard of.
Keeping in mind the idea of building a sexy body, it’s worth noting that such a look is also decidedly unattractive.
Instead, we should focus more on the muscles of the upper back: latissimus dorsi, teres major, trapezius, et al. These muscles, developed correctly, will help pull your shouldersback, helping to create the broad shouldered look that men find powerful and women find attractive.
To prevent imbalances and help to create such a look, try to maintain a 3:2 ratio of pulling exercises to pushing exercises.
As an example, 3 sets of rows, 2 sets of bench presses.
Following this pattern, you are far less likely to develop 

3) Lift Heavy at Least 4 Days per Month-The benefits of heavy training are widely documented, so once again I’ll just focus on the relevancy to building a bang-worthy body.

Training heavy doesn’t just make you strong—it makes youlook strong. Training in low rep-ranges (3-5 reps) necessitates the use of near-maximal weight. In generally, you would be working within 75%-85% of your 1RM.
This elicits some profound physiological changes.
Training with heavy loads leads to an increase in both neurogenic and myogenic muscle tone, both of which are important for building an attractive physique.
First, it is necessary to recognize that for the purposes of this writing, the word “tone” means the level of tension in a muscle. With that understood, let’s talk about each type.
Neurogenic tone refers to the level of tension in a muscle during a working or flexed state. That is, how “hard” a muscle is when you are either training it, or just flexing it for some chick at the gym/beach/World of Warcraft party.
Myogenic tone can be defined as residual tension in a resting muscle. What this really means is how hard, full, and dense your muscles are when you’re just hanging out. Rather than some artificial pump, an increase in myogenic tone is a permanent increase in the appearance of your muscles.
Increasing neurogenic and mygenic tone also has the benefit of making muscles more visible at slightly higher levels of bodyfat – and there is a lot to be said for having your triceps pop out a bit more at 10%–just imagine how they’ll look at 8%!
To achieve the increases, my clients all have at least 1 day per week dedicated to lifting near maximal loads. In addition to the aforementioned benefits, heavy training also leads to strength increases, which has obvious implications for training in the future.

4) Mix Up Your Training-In order to create a body suited for a variety of physical…er, tasks, (yup, that was a sexual innuendo) you need to change up your workout pretty frequently.

Training variety keeps you motivated and invariably leads to better results. In terms of helping you increase your rating on the Scale of Sexy, the main benefit of it is from a fat loss perspective.
While it is arguable that “training ADD” can inhibit muscle gains (which is only true if you are changing haphazardly with no thought to programming), for the purposes of getting lean, exposing yourself to consistently changing stimulus is an excellent way to ramp up metabolism and consistently increases the processes by which fat loss is made possible.
Certainly, I do not advocate switching programs from day to day. Instead, I recommend choosing or designing programs that have multiple training methods built into a training week. (For example, my Final Phase Fat Loss Program).
An easy way to work variety into your training is to change exercises for the same movement. Switching form bench presses to push-ups, counter intuitive though it might seem, can actually help you increase muscle mass, as well as lose fat.
Even a switch as simple as trading in barbells for dumbbells for a single workout can make significant changes, and keep you lean year round, aiding your quest for a sexy body.
For more structured change, consider trying out timed workouts: that is, instead of counting reps, each set will be for a given length of time—the goal of course is to get as many reps in that time period as possible.
Not only will increasing training variety make you sexier, but it also keeps training fresh and fun.

5) Tame Your Hormones-Bro, I hope it isn’t news to you that men and women have vastly different fat storage patterns than men. Moreover, fat storage patterns vary pretty heavily from man to man.

I covered this in a full article on hormonal optimization to lose stubborn fat, but let’s address it briefly here.In general, men tend to store fat around the abdominal and love handle areas. Once again, we have our ancestors to thank/blame for this one. So after 10,000 years of evolution, we’ve adapted to storing fat where it wouldn’t get in the way of hunting, killing, skinning, and devouring dinosaurs, wildebeests, umber hulks, and squirrels.
Women, on the other hand, store fat in the hip and thigh area.
Evolutionary favoritism notwithstanding, these differences are due in large part to differences in hormonal environments between men and women.
To make it basic: men generally have higher levels of cortisol, which will lend itself to storage of midsection fact, whereas high estrogen leads to lower body fat storage.
Of course, we can’t talk about dude hormones without mentioning testosterone.

Follow these steps and get easy results :) 

Sunday, 12 April 2015

Some tips u must change to look attractive :-
Tip #1 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Dress Your Footwear Up
Starting from the ground up, appropriate-fitting footwear is the first step to dressing sharp.
A traditional school of thought that’s still alive and well claims you can judge a man by his shoes.
If you’ve never owned really good shoes before, brace yourself and get ready to pay a significant amount of money for well-made, classicfootwear.
You may be shocked at the sticker price for well-crafted shoes, but the quality and comfort pay dividends down the road.
A good pair of dress shoes will last you years and stay good-looking with nothing more than some light cleaning and the occasional shine.
Quality leather footwear isn’t a luxury for the excessively rich — it’s a necessity for any man.
Mark Zuckerberg’s not hurting for cash, but it’s still hard to see him as a grown-up in jeans and performance fleece.
Tip #2 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Dress to Look Older
The way you dress is the way you are perceived.
If you’re still wearing clothes that scream “student days” you’re going to be treated like a boy with no experience in the real world.
Buck the trend, age your look a little, and get the respect you deserve from older men.
That means raiding your wardrobe and getting rid of the majority of your ultra-casual clothes: T-shirts, cargo pants, jean shorts, sweatshirts and sweatpants, baseball hats, and athletics.
Save a few for yardwork and exercise — but donate the rest of it to charity and start replacing it with dressier clothes that speak to your maturity.
Models get paid to make goofy clothes seem reasonable. Don’t fall for it.
Tip #3 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Ignore Fashion Trends.
Main-stream fashion trends change too fast to make useful wardrobe staples.
Most young men don’t have the budget to buy new pants every month or two — so stay away from pants that are only presentable during an “in” season.
Distressed or bleached jeans are a great example; several different designer labels briefly managed to sell the image on the public, and then the fad changed and left a lot of people with very expensive jeans too beat-up to wear in public.
Stick to classic clothing staples for the core of your wardobe and avoid anything that’s too far out on the cutting edge — even if you see something that makes it look good.
A good hanger is way cheaper than a new suit. Spring for it.
Tip #4 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Take Care of Your Clothing.
Generally speaking, being young means having less money to throw around.
If you’ve shelled out for a few pieces of good, quality clothing — a custom suit, a pair of expensive dress shoes, what have you — it’s worth a few bucks more to keep the clothes in good shape.
That means using good hangers for your suits, shoe trees for your shoes, and a little tender loving care with the washing machine.
Some of your clothes can come from thrift shops, if you’re lucky enough to have a reasonably common body type and some well-to-do neighborhoods nearby.
A few adjustments from a tailor can turn a five dollar thrift-store suit into your dress wardrobe staple. Just take care of it and protect your bigger investments with some proper maintenance.
Tip #5 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Have at Least One Good Suit in the Closet
SuitNo matter what your job is, you’re going to need a decent suit at some point.
If you’re in a field where you’re going to wear one regularly you should look for a variety of colors and styles; if you just need a single suit for infrequent dress occasions stick with a classic single-breasted, two-button suit in charcoal gray or navy blue.
If you’re buying off the rack take the time to have the suit adjusted.
A few department stores still offer the service, but you’ll more than likely need to find a tailor independently.
It’s worth the effort — sized suits are made to general measurements, and not all of them are going to be a perfect fit for you. A good tailor can make the small changes that take your suit from looking mediocre to perfect for you.
Men's dress shirtTip #6 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Build from White and Blue Shirts
White and light blue cotton dress shirts are the backbone to a sharp wardrobe.
Much of this lies in the fact both of these colors make up approximately 90% of the dress shirts sold worldwide and that either color looks good on most complexions and body types.
Being so popular, these shirt fabrics are also available in a wide range of style and sizes anywhere int he world, making acquisition at a value price likely for the man on the lookout for sales and discounts.
Patterns can liven up the basic white and blue color palette, and there’s nothing wrong with branching out into some other colors as your personal style evolves. Just have a good core of white and blue dress shirts.
As long as you have one clean and hanging up in the closet, you’ll never be completely out of decent-looking things to wear.

JeansTip #7 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Own Dark Fitted Jeans & Know When to Wear Them
Jean styles are always changing: rips, tears, acid and bleach washing, distressed, stone washed, boot cut, wide leg, low rise, skinny; baggy.
Keep it simple with and stick to fitted jeans in a dark color, sansfading or rips.
You can wear them with a fitted T-shirt for a relaxed, casual look or dress them up with a buttoned shirt and a sport coat for a business-casual style.

SlacksTip #8 for Sharp-Dressed Men: Look beyond Denim
Well cut and classically styled trousers will make you look a little sharper at social occasions than jeans.
They’re less common in a young crowd, so you’ll already be standing out, and a good pair of slacks has a drape and crease that looks much crisper than denim.
You can also get wool or cotton trousers much lighter than blue jeans, which is a blessing in any kind of warm weather.

Sunday, 5 April 2015


How to Increase Height Naturally?

The good news is that we can increase our height naturally. It is to be noted that about 20% or more of our body height depends upon external factors like our environment, activities and diet. If we follow certain basic rules in our daily lives, we can increase our height in a natural way.
Natural ways to increase height are mentioned below:

Proper Sleep:

Studies have shown that when we take rest or sleep, our body grows and regenerates tissues. Proper sleep and rest are absolutely very necessary in a growing body. It is believed that Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is produced naturally during the time when we have a sound, deep and slow wave sleep. As a rule, growing children and teenagers must have at least 8 to 11 hours of proper sleep every night so that they can reach their maximum height. It is advisable that you should take a warm bath before going to bed so that you have a sound sleep.

Exercises for Increasing Your Height:

Another factor to increase height naturally is to be physically fit and active as a child. This can be attained by regular exercises and sports activities. When you are physically active, the body requires more healthy nutrients. Regular intake of nutrients boosts your nutrition and consequently, results in proper growth. Swimming, aerobics, football, basketball, tennis, cricket, or stretching exercises are a good way to keep our body growing and physically active. Active involvement of our muscles not only improves our growth prospects but also helps in detoxifying our body through sweating.
Some popular exercises to increase your height are as follows:
  • Hanging on the rod :  You spend the majority of your day in an upright, vertical position. One of the biggest hurdles in the path of growing tall is gravity, which compresses your spine, joints, squeezes the cartilage and makes you shorter. However, you can get rid of this obstacle through a simple hanging exercise, which has become a quite popular method to increase a person’s height by one to two inches. The reason being it lets the weight of your lower torso stretches your spine. Take a horizontal bar or rod and place it high enough so that you can hang on it by holding and let your body fully extend.  If your body cannot fully extend, then you can bend your knees slightly until you hang freely. Try to hang for at least 20 seconds and repeat.  You should also repeat this exercise a minimum of three times.
  • Dry Land Swim:  This exercise is popularly known as the Alternate Leg Kick and focuses on your lower back. Lay down flat on your stomach. Your body should be fully extended. Put your arms straight out in front of you. Your palms should face the floor.  Raise your left arm higher than your right arm and lift your right leg off the ground as far as you can, with your other leg straight on the ground. Remain in that position for 4-5 seconds. Then raise your other arm and leg and repeat the process.
  • Pelvic Shift : This is a common exercise and favorite among gym instructors. It is simple and you feel a whole lot of stretching up and down your spine and in your hips while doing this exercise. Lie on your back with your shoulders and arms placed firmly on the ground.  Bend your knees and bring your feet as much as possible near to your buttock.  Next, arch your back so that your pelvis thrusts upward. Remain in this position for about 20 seconds and then gradually increase it to 30 seconds.
  • Yoga for Increasing Your Height:

    Research studies have also shown that yoga and proper breathing techniques can play a fantastic role in increasing your height naturally. It is said that when we inhale deeply during yoga exercises, we release the stress that causes tension in your back muscles, which in turn removes the obstacle to enhance growth of the body. There are also a number of yoga postures which are particularly helpful in increasing your height. These yoga poses for keeping your body upright and increasing height are as follows:
    • Surya Namaskar :  This is an age-old yoga exercise with 12 different postures and performed in a chronological manner.
    • Trikonasana : Trikonasana helps in improving your balance. This yoga exercise gives you a good posture. Also known as triangle pose.
    • Talasana : Talasna strengthens your arms, legs and spines.  Keeps your body smooth. Helpful height gain.
    • Sukhasana : This is supposed to be the central position from which the other yoga postures started. You control your breathing and tone your lower back and hips by doing this asana.
    • Adhomukha Savasana : Also known as the downward facing dog. This asana increases the blood flow to your face and neck.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Tips to look attractive (boys only) :-

  • Having an activity or two that you enjoy a lot and are good at, or a big goal that you are making progress on can increase your confidence a lot. Video games don't quite count because unless she's into them, you can't humbly drop them into conversation as easy. It's better to have something physical and concrete that you're working on.
  • Even if you're desperate, don't say that word in reference to yourself if you can avoid it and do your best not to look it. Go in looking for a fun time, many times you'll leave with one.
  • Girls tend to go for guys that are socially connected and not completely shy. In high school a reserved approach will work, but working up courage and being at least somewhat direct and flirty will work better.
  • Girls respond well to light touches combined with eye contact that punctuate feelings in the conversation.
  • Try not to be overenthusiastic- some girls see it as desperation.
  • Girls in other cliques are still options. Make sure you don't put on blinders and miss the good ones you aren't focused on.
  • All the females in your school know each other at least a little. Most of them know all of the other one's names. This means that if you do something awful or really stupid, word gets around. It also means that if you're awesome, word gets around. On top of this it means that having a hot female friend can play to your advantage! Don't COMPLETELY fear the friend zone!
  • Be yourself! If you're not the person who you are, you'll be uncomfortable. Convince yourself you are great in moderation and it will show.
  • Smile slow. Think back to every sexy man you've seen a movie; they do this slow slightly slanted smile combined with eye contact. Make your smile just a tiny bit slower and even if you aren't confident, you come off a little more like you are.
  • Just because you're hunting for that popular girl doesn't mean that the complete babe with the pink hair isn't interesting too. Keep your eyes open!

The 4 best gym machines for loosing weight quickly:-

Note- self confidence is must important for doing these steps 

4 Completely New Ways to Use Dumbbells:-

First u should suppose to not to give up hence for motivating yourself you can see motivational videos of steve cook etc..  on this blog or

1. Plank Row With Rotational Twist: Begin in a plank position with your palms on the floor, shoulders stacked over your wrists, and a dumbbell on the floor near each hand. Your body should form a straight line between your heels and your head. Without compromising your form, shift your weight to the right hand as you grab a dumbbell with your left hand. Then, drive your elbow back toward the ceiling. Nothing should move except your arm. Release the weight, place your palm back on the floor, and bring your left knee to the outside of your right elbow. Return to start, then repeat on the right side, this time grabbing a weight with your right hand, driving your right elbow up toward the ceiling, releasing the weight, and bringing your palm back to the floor, then bringing your right knee to the outside of your left elbow. Return to start. That's one rep.
What it works: Your back, shoulders, arms, abs, and butt

2. Y-Swings: Take a wide stance and grab both weights with your palms facing each other. Shift your weight into your heels and sit back into a low squat, letting the weights hang between your legs. In one fluid motion, lift both arms and press into your heels as you stand up, thrusting your hips forward for momentum as you swing both weights above your head to form a Y-shape with your arms. With control, bring the weights down and sit back into starting position. That's one rep.
What it works: Glutes, core, shoulders

3. Triceps Kickbacks With Side Lunge: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, and grab a weight in each hand and hold them along your sides so that your palms face each other. Lean forward at the waist and gaze down as you bring your elbows back and the weighs to your armpits. Then, engage your triceps (the muscles behind your upper arm) as you extend both arms and pump the weights toward the wall behind you. Then bring the weights back to your armpits. This is one kickback. Then, drop the weights to your sides as you lift your left leg and take a giant step to the left. Keeping your right leg straight, bend your left leg and reach both arms to the floor. Pause, then stand up as you bring your feet back to center, and bring the weights back to your armpits. Perform one triceps kickback, then lunge and reach to the right side. That's one rep.
What it works: Triceps, back, quads, and butt

4. Dumbbell Shuffle Reach and Touch: Take a wide stance and hold both dumbbells in your hands near your shoulders with your elbows close to your sides. Shuffle to the left by taking a big step to the left and hopping your right foot to the left to meet it, keeping a wide stance the whole time. Brace your core and twist from your waist to the left as you raise both weights up toward the ceiling. Bring the weights back to chest level and shuffle to the right, this time twisting to the right and crouching down to reach both weights toward the floor, with one weight on either side of your right foot. Stand as you bring the weights back to your chest. That's one rep. Complete 10 to 15, then do 10 to 15 on the other side, this time touching down on your left shuffle and reaching up on your right shuffle.
What it works: Core, back, shoulders, quads, and butt