Monday, 30 March 2015

Tips to look attractive (boys only) :-

  • Having an activity or two that you enjoy a lot and are good at, or a big goal that you are making progress on can increase your confidence a lot. Video games don't quite count because unless she's into them, you can't humbly drop them into conversation as easy. It's better to have something physical and concrete that you're working on.
  • Even if you're desperate, don't say that word in reference to yourself if you can avoid it and do your best not to look it. Go in looking for a fun time, many times you'll leave with one.
  • Girls tend to go for guys that are socially connected and not completely shy. In high school a reserved approach will work, but working up courage and being at least somewhat direct and flirty will work better.
  • Girls respond well to light touches combined with eye contact that punctuate feelings in the conversation.
  • Try not to be overenthusiastic- some girls see it as desperation.
  • Girls in other cliques are still options. Make sure you don't put on blinders and miss the good ones you aren't focused on.
  • All the females in your school know each other at least a little. Most of them know all of the other one's names. This means that if you do something awful or really stupid, word gets around. It also means that if you're awesome, word gets around. On top of this it means that having a hot female friend can play to your advantage! Don't COMPLETELY fear the friend zone!
  • Be yourself! If you're not the person who you are, you'll be uncomfortable. Convince yourself you are great in moderation and it will show.
  • Smile slow. Think back to every sexy man you've seen a movie; they do this slow slightly slanted smile combined with eye contact. Make your smile just a tiny bit slower and even if you aren't confident, you come off a little more like you are.
  • Just because you're hunting for that popular girl doesn't mean that the complete babe with the pink hair isn't interesting too. Keep your eyes open!

The 4 best gym machines for loosing weight quickly:-

Note- self confidence is must important for doing these steps 

4 Completely New Ways to Use Dumbbells:-

First u should suppose to not to give up hence for motivating yourself you can see motivational videos of steve cook etc..  on this blog or

1. Plank Row With Rotational Twist: Begin in a plank position with your palms on the floor, shoulders stacked over your wrists, and a dumbbell on the floor near each hand. Your body should form a straight line between your heels and your head. Without compromising your form, shift your weight to the right hand as you grab a dumbbell with your left hand. Then, drive your elbow back toward the ceiling. Nothing should move except your arm. Release the weight, place your palm back on the floor, and bring your left knee to the outside of your right elbow. Return to start, then repeat on the right side, this time grabbing a weight with your right hand, driving your right elbow up toward the ceiling, releasing the weight, and bringing your palm back to the floor, then bringing your right knee to the outside of your left elbow. Return to start. That's one rep.
What it works: Your back, shoulders, arms, abs, and butt

2. Y-Swings: Take a wide stance and grab both weights with your palms facing each other. Shift your weight into your heels and sit back into a low squat, letting the weights hang between your legs. In one fluid motion, lift both arms and press into your heels as you stand up, thrusting your hips forward for momentum as you swing both weights above your head to form a Y-shape with your arms. With control, bring the weights down and sit back into starting position. That's one rep.
What it works: Glutes, core, shoulders

3. Triceps Kickbacks With Side Lunge: Stand with your feet hip-width apart, and grab a weight in each hand and hold them along your sides so that your palms face each other. Lean forward at the waist and gaze down as you bring your elbows back and the weighs to your armpits. Then, engage your triceps (the muscles behind your upper arm) as you extend both arms and pump the weights toward the wall behind you. Then bring the weights back to your armpits. This is one kickback. Then, drop the weights to your sides as you lift your left leg and take a giant step to the left. Keeping your right leg straight, bend your left leg and reach both arms to the floor. Pause, then stand up as you bring your feet back to center, and bring the weights back to your armpits. Perform one triceps kickback, then lunge and reach to the right side. That's one rep.
What it works: Triceps, back, quads, and butt

4. Dumbbell Shuffle Reach and Touch: Take a wide stance and hold both dumbbells in your hands near your shoulders with your elbows close to your sides. Shuffle to the left by taking a big step to the left and hopping your right foot to the left to meet it, keeping a wide stance the whole time. Brace your core and twist from your waist to the left as you raise both weights up toward the ceiling. Bring the weights back to chest level and shuffle to the right, this time twisting to the right and crouching down to reach both weights toward the floor, with one weight on either side of your right foot. Stand as you bring the weights back to your chest. That's one rep. Complete 10 to 15, then do 10 to 15 on the other side, this time touching down on your left shuffle and reaching up on your right shuffle.
What it works: Core, back, shoulders, quads, and butt

Sunday, 29 March 2015

personality development

Personality of different great peoples :-

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Thursday, 5 March 2015

                       Happy  Holi!!!!!

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Some exercises to get perfect shoulders :

Bringing out the shape and striations of the shoulder muscles is a big part of upper-body training, but first you need to make sure you have sufficient delt muscle mass. Here are three tips for adding massive size to the shoulders.


Working in the 8-12-rep range is generally the best way to add muscle mass to most bodyparts (the one exception being legs, which respond better to slightly higher reps). But I firmly believe that muscles, especially the deltoids, also need to be subjected to very heavy weight to grow to their potential - a weight at which you can do only 5-6 reps. Go ahead and do lateral raises in the 8-12 range (even 15-20), but I suggest doing overhead presses in the 5-6-rep range at least every other workout. It's not that every set of presses has to be heavy; if you're doing, say, 4-5 sets of seated barbell presses, you can do your first set or two for eight reps, but then make your last 2-3 sets heavier.


Most people vary their shoulder training only when it comes to lateral raises - they'll do front-, middle- and rear-delt raises with dumbbells and cables, from different angles - but when it comes to presses, they mainly stick to barbells and dumbbells. There are many other versions of overhead presses that you should work into your delt routine, such as the Smith machine overhead press, Arnold press, both in-front-of-the-head and behind-the-neck overhead presses (using a barbell or a Smith machine) and standing overhead barbell or dumbbell presses (military press).


As intensity techniques go, I think drop sets and supersets are great when doing front-, middle- and rear-delt raises. On overhead presses, however, my favorite technique is the rest-pause. The reason behind this is with rest-pauses, you never have to lighten the load - you start with a heavy weight and stick with it for the whole set. To refresh, here's how to perform rest-pauses: Pick a weight for a Smith machine overhead press with which you can do about six reps. Do a set of 4-5 reps, rest 15-20 seconds, and then do 2-3 more reps with that same weight. Rest another 15-20 seconds, then do another 2-3 reps. At that point, you'll have done 8-11 reps with a weight with which you could normally do only six. These tips will help spark growth in your shoulders, so give them a try next time delt day rolls around. Follow your pressing moves with high-intensity laterals and you'll have the best of both worlds: size and definition.